's time for an Alabaster Offering!!!

We’ve just been given a literal example of how God takes little and makes it much.  Ayden lived only 12 days… 

Our change (or paper!) goes far in advancing the kingdom!  Below are ideas for feeding your Alabaster box throughout the next year; for now, make an intentional effort during the days of September to commit to giving and sowing into the lives of others by filling your alabaster boxes – whatever they may look like!  Let’s build!!!!!!



Adapted from Focus Magazine


September – School days!  Your offering, .50 for each child in school.  If you have none, .50 if you finished grade school; .60  high school; .75 college.


October – No tricks, so before you treat yourself to holiday eating, put in .10 for each inch around your waist.  (we may fill our boxes with this one!)


November – Thankful! Put in .75 for brown hair, .60 for black, ,50 for grey, .40 for blonde, .30 for red.  If you are bald, forget it!


December – Merry Christmas!  Enough expense for this month….just put in .50.


January – Happy New Year!  Put in double the amount equal to the number of days in this month.


February – Give an offering of .10 for each letter in the name of the person you love the most.


March – Buy new shoes for Easter if you must, but put in an offering triple your shoe size.


April – Don’t fool yourself!  Put in .50 for your first 100 lbs. of weight and .20 for each additional 25 lbs.


May – May is family month!  Give an offering of .20 for each brother or sister.  If mother is living add .50.


June – If your eyes are blue pay .50; brown .40; green or hazel .30.


July – Deposit .20 for each year you have been a Christian.


August  - This may not be your birthday month, but give the amount of cents you will be on your birthday.



May giving fun!  God loves a cheerful giver!!!!!!  Hugs, Gay