World Evangelism Fund

The World Evangelism Fund comes from Nazarene churches around the world. Each church is challenged to give an amount based on its income as its participation in the world mission enterprise. Approximately 75% of the World Evangelism Fund is used for world evangelization in one form or another. The remainder supports the structure of the system through such ministries as office administration, literature, and other resources. How is the World Evangelism Fund collected? Traditionally, it has been through two large offerings a year—the Thanksgiving and Easter offerings. Some churches continue to successfully raise their entire fund this way. Faith Promise is a plan based on giving at systematic intervals rather than just twice a year. Through Faith Promise, people pray about the amount they should give for missions (over and above their tithe). The amount is often given weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Over time, churches find they raise their mission support and often go over their goal through this giving plan. The Benefits of the World Evangelism Fund Missionaries—They receive a regular paycheck, freeing them from the added worry of raising finances. Missionaries still write letters and conduct deputation services to inform people of happenings in their field of service; however, such activities do not consume a large portion of their time on the mission field. Churches—Regardless of size, each church has the opportunity to take part in the global mission endeavor. Also, just as individuals are blessed by God when they commit a portion of their resources for His kingdom, so churches are blessed when they allocate funds to help reach the lost around the world.