Sometimes it is good to reflect on why we do the things we do. Without doing so we lose passion and the very act becomes rote. I believe this is a reason the Israelites were instructed to tell the children & to place stones as reminders of what Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had done AND would continue to do for He is Faithful! Even when we aren’t, He remains Faithful. The same yesterday, today, & tomorrow….that’s our God! He is passionate!! As vessels who contain the Living God we should be too! There are challenges in front of us; as a nation, as a denomination, as a church, and as individuals. What do we, will we, choose to look at? The challenges or the God in those very challenges? Jesus is passionate about people, even to die brutally for them…that’s the passion in us. Below is exerts from a letter from Daniel Ketchum, may the Lord ignite that passion within us and may this foundation bring forth a mighty harvest!! Hugs!
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Why We Sustain the World Evangelism Fund
Without WEF, no other ministry provided by designated or Approved Mission Special giving will remain viable (including Alabaster, LINKS, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, JESUS Film Harvest Partners, Work & Witness, partnerships, etc.).
WEF provides baseline infrastructure: leadership for 7 regions, 36 fields, and 426 districts and national ministries. For missionary families, WEF provides equipping, salary, housing, utilities, medical insurance, moving costs, and travel to and from the field. The World Evangelism Fund was created to allow all missionaries to work effectively and to encourage all churches to support outreach efficiently. WEF is a key in global strategy to evangelize and disciple people with the love of Christ and the Gospel.
Only with WEF can we evangelize and disciple millions of people each year, equip thousands of leaders each year, and organize hundreds of churches each year. We cannot accomplish these purposes without WEF. Global WEF giving multiplies through collective sacrifice, international generosity, and accountable distribution.
The global mission of the Church of the Nazarene is a massive venture. To accomplish the Great Commission—spreading Christ, the Gospel, and holiness around the world—requires money. WEF invests directly to accomplish the mission of the Church of the Nazarene: to make Christ like disciples in the nations.
How WEF Works
Full-time missionaries (excluding volunteers) in the Church of the Nazarene receive monthly compensation based on a modest standard amount plus a cost-of-living adjustment according to the world area in which they serve. The World Evangelism Fund comes from the generosity of Nazarenes around the world. We challenge each church globally to contribute 5.5 percent of its current income. Many churches see the effectiveness of global mission and give well beyond that minimum.
Benefits of WEF
Missionaries receive regular compensation, enabling them to concentrate on their calling and to help raise awareness for the entire mission. While missionaries correspond and offer home assignment/deputation services to inform people of their field of service, these activities do not demand a large portion of their time on the mission field. Passion for giving is inspired by global mission, evangelism, and disciple-making. We raise WEF on the backs of missionaries, international leaders, and mission movements. Each church, regardless of size, has an opportunity to participate in global mission. Just as individuals are blessed by God when they commit their resources for His kingdom, so churches are blessed when they give to help reach lost people around the world.
Daniel D. Ketchum, Ph.D.
Global NMI Director