Opportunity Knocks in Our Own Backyard!

ReMiNdEr:  New Beginnings is hosting Kamal Saleem & Alene Bajalia @ Horizon Funeral Home,

750 Old Brandy Road.  Our world is changing……are we aware?  Come hear from a former terrorist what his life was like, why he believed as he did, & how Jesus rocked his world!  Islam is NOT a peaceful religion & statistics show it is taking over the nations.  They understand you; do you understand them???  Will I see ya in the morning?


8:30am – coffee

8:50am – Alene will begin sharing what God is doing in the hearts of Muslims in Israel

9:45-12:00 – Kamal will captivate, educate, & bring God the glory.  Serious things are happening                 around us but God has a plan!!  It just might be beginning with the Hezekiah Initiative!



The Right Way to Keep My Hands Off

It seems I often hear the Lord saying ‘it’s like this….’  I suppose that’s because I need a lot of instruction & I learn by experience.  This week I had such an experience.  Those of you who are computer savvy probably would not be as amazed as I was with this……someone assisted me with a problem by remote.  Here’s my computer on my desk & someone somewhere else is able to see what’s wrong & fix it!  Amazing.  While I was admiring this wonder something became clear.  Erik did not gain control of my computer without first asking my permission.  After gaining it, he had control & could command the computer with his knowledge & ability to see things I could not……but I could take back control whenever I wanted, booting him off, & do whatever I thought I needed.  How like our relationship with the Lord!  He does not take control without our permission & oh, how His knowledge & ability to see is superior to ours!  Free to rule our hearts & live in us; we walk in His Spirit and are His Hands & His Feet!  When does this divine flow stop?  As soon as we take the control back.  How clear this became!  Similarly, this is the way of missions.  Our lives are the computers, He is the Master Technician, and we must surrender control.  How does look?  Only He knows.  Some may be Giving010+  Program, some may be Praying911 Program, others may be Going411 Program.  And even more intricate is the ability of each of these programs to operate!!  The possibilities are limitless and powerful when operating correctly J  What does the Master want to accomplish with you?!!  Hugs!



FW: Extreme Devotion 07/05/2010

Missions began like this….
   A long way from home, without the comfort of family, unacceptable living conditions by any standard, with a willingness to depend & trust God whenever He leads!  The reality of this pertaining to all three of the people in this story has gripped me this morning!


“This isn’t how I envisioned us having our first baby,” said the young woman between contractions. “Are you sure this is clean enough?” she asked her fiancé, Joseph.

“I don’t know, honey,” he said, concerned. “But it’s what we’ve got. We know God’s going to protect this baby. He must have some plan in us having it here.”
As another painful contraction came, her fiancé advised, “Try to breathe through it,” and wiped her face with a damp rag. “Hang on . . . should be just a few more minutes.”
She said through gritted teeth, “I wanted to have the baby in my own house. I wanted my mother to be there to help me.”
“I’m here to help you,” Joseph said, “so we’ll just have to get along by ourselves. And we both know God’s here, too.” Then he weakly joked, “If we need more help, we’ve always got the cows and the sheep next door.”
The contraction passed, and Mary smiled at her new fiancé. At the next contraction, Mary began to push. Soon, her son entered the world. They named him Jesus, just as the angel instructed.
We sometimes forget the hardship that Joseph and Mary endured to deliver the King of kings: a stable for a delivery room, exile into Egypt, poverty, and scandal. Yet they endured everything willingly out of love for God.

As we read the Bible, we may think that believing God’s promises would be easier if he packaged them with some definitive sign, like an angelic messenger. Yet even Mary, who received such a sign, had her doubts. When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to God’s Son, it probably sounded like the unthinkable. She asked Gabriel, “How will this be . . . since I am a virgin?” Despite her concerns, Mary chose to willingly believe God’s promise and obey him. Her simple willingness brought God’s plan of salvation to the world. Is God calling you to willingness despite your doubts? Like Mary, your willingness to obey could have an eternal impact in God’s kingdom.

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The Voice of the Martyrs Official Homepage

The Voice of the Martyrs Online Store

"A Christian Response to Islam"

Here is additional information concerning the seminar I posted about earlier.  The date is conflicting with our own church calendar but you are free to attend one time & not the other if it fits your schedule.   I listened to this man’s testimony on a CD…..wow!  It promises to be educational as well as encouraging. 

A Christian Response to Islam!
Do you have knowledge of Islam and know how to share Jesus with Muslims?

 Friday, July 23
Saturday, July 24

Islam vs. Christianity
The Origin of Islam
Jesus vs. Mohammed
Question/Answer Time

Horizon Funeral Home
750 Old Brandy Road, Culpeper, Virginia

Friday, July 23rd 7:00 p.m.
Kamal Saleem:  “The Persecutor” - Testimony of a former terrorist who was loved into the Kingdom of Jesus

Noon - 2pm - Complimentary Luncheon with Kamal and Alene
 for  “Pastors and Church Leaders”
RSVP by July 20, 2010 to 540-825-1708

Saturday, July 24th
8:30 a.m. - Coffee/Tea

9:00 am - Alene Bajalia - Assistant Principal for Jerusalem School in the West Bank, Israel

9:45 - noon
Kamal Saleem

Hosted by New Beginnings Worship Center
For more information please call 540-825-1708