Links, chains, rescues.....

Dear Feller Co-Missioner,


A story was told of a large man who fell into a lake. He flailed in water over his head and hollered for help. He could not swim! A man jumped into the water to help, but the larger man quickly pulled him under the water and nearly drowned his would-be rescuer. A second man dived into the water to help, but also nearly drowned while trying to pull him out.


A third observer decided to form a human chain. Men and women on shore locked hands and then clasped the hands of those in the water. Finally, one person in the water grasped the hand of the drowning man. As the human chain pulled together, they rescued the man from death.


EACH person in the chain was vital to the rescue. Some tasks are impossible without assistance from others. Some challenges are so great they require a team of helpers.  Did you know YOU are a link in a chain? 


Our general superintendents are challenging Nazarenes globally to give the largest offering in the history of the denomination!  

When you ask?  ….during the Thanksgiving/Harvest time for the World Evangelism Fund (WEF)! Challenge 2010, (10-10-10), a special WEF PLUS Offering, provides all of us an opportunity to present a love offering beyond our normal WEF giving or Thanksgiving Offering. The WEF PLUS Offering will help keep missionaries on their fields and even MORE exciting - will reap an abundant harvest of souls worldwide! 

How you ask? ….just by each individual giving $10.00!  This Sunday is 10-10-10 and Nazarenes everywhere are bringing the equivalent of $10 for this special offering!  Together this will be a historical rescue effort AND you are needed!!!   





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