Mission Awareness OR Preparedness??

Ever read something and wondered who you were in the story?  Perhaps this is an oddity peculiar to me.  The following is a snippet from an article ran yesterday by Mission Network News.  I marveled at both parties in this case.  Do I possess the passion and willingness to go wherever God takes me?  That could be across the aisle, down the street, or yes, even across the ocean.  I’m afraid I’m far more stubborn than I care to admit and even more adapt at clothing it with righteousness.  This isn’t even my biggest problem…it’s the ‘other’ people in this story that makes me uncomfortable.  The ones who decided to sell their SECOND sets of clothes.  Second indicates to me they have just 2…one change of clothing in addition to the ones they are wearing.  AND, they sold those to support someone called to go.  I can’t begin to understand living on less than a dollar a day, much less only having 2 sets of clothes.  I don’t even know how many sizes remain in my closet – and that IS after I have downsized it.  Poor Ray hardly has any of the closet at all.  You can see my dilemma.  Conviction is like that; it confronts you….and it comes in layers.  The same sin often lies knitted deep within us, just cloaked a bit different.  Why?  Because it is the ‘candy’ of our carnal man.  So, during this season when I always make Christmas candy, I have happened upon a different sort of ‘candy’.  It captures me without even notice and the Savior desires it.  Do you have any candy for Jesus?

“Africa (MNN)  Hundreds of African believers are ready to join the mission field. Unfortunately many of them don't have the means to do so just yet.

One Zambian missionary heard God's call to minister to Muslims in Tanzania. He would need $500 for start up fees, which included a bicycle, a mattress, and roughly $50 per month to support his needs. His excited church, made up mostly of farmers living on less than $1 per day, took an offering to support the missionary. Their tithe amounted to 50 cents.

Determined to send the believer on his way to the mission field, the congregation decided to sell second sets of clothing and deny themselves a third meal every day. After a few weeks, they were finally able to get their brother onto the field.

This man's story and call represents the desire of hundreds of people across Africa to go into the world and spread the Gospel. The characteristics of many African believers of being personable, passionate and willing to go wherever God takes them make them excellent candidates for mission work.”


Gifts Anyone?

Have you ever had a friend who ALWAYS gave the best presents…and a lot of them?  Every Christmas I knew I would receive the perfect gifts from her (things I love but would not buy myself).  I loved it but I didn’t…know what I mean?  My gifts for her seem so small & few.  Her secret?  She is a great shopper.  There is never a sale on something that is perfect for someone she misses.  She thinks about the ones she is giving presents to ALL the time.  Isn’t that the REAL gift?  Not that I get a lot because she saves money BUT to know she thinks about me ALL the time!! 

You are always on the heart of Jesus…He is never NOT thinking of you!  He is the BEST gift and it cost Him everything.  How can you such a wonderful gift?  Through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries!  There are TONS of ways to give and communicate that someone is thinking about them!  Projects galore!  Children to ‘adopt’!  Crisis Care Kits!  School Paks!  TONS!  Check it out for yourself!!

NCM is our focus this month!  Here is what you need to know:

1.     Gifts?  Anyone need a gift idea?  Have to buy for someone who either has everything or doesn’t want a thing?  Consider buying a gift card from NCM.  You deliver hope and the recipient chooses the project!  The regions where there are projects are wrapped gifts on the bulletin board and the choices are too many to list!!

2.     Check out our CCK (Crisis Care Kit) Tree on the bulletin board!  Remove ornaments & purchase the item to build CCKs.  Bring your unwrapped gift by or on Christmas Eve to touch the heart of someone who really needs encouraging.  Please strictly follow the description of the item so to insure our kits pass guidelines!   

COMPASSIONATE—demonstrating a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.  

Hugs!  Gay