Now, where did those $$ go????

Below is a sample of what happens to our offerings…


Fiji Boat Project Update
An e-mail from Harmon Schmelzenbach

We have been able to take the money that Virginia gave and have a Coastal Boat custom built by a boat builder in Suva, Fiji. This boat is now being used for the ongoing expansion of the work along the southern most chain of islands of Fiji. The boat was completed and launched in December.  God was able to multiply the Virginia District's investment and by the launching, the boat was completely outfitted with the appropriate engine and all the necessary safety and survival equipment.  Other than our 'Open Ocean' vessels, this boat now leads the way as the largest and most safely equipped of any of the 'Coastal Boats' that Nazarene Maritime Ministries has provided over the last decade.  Melanesia / South Pacific Fields...   and especially the Nazarenes of our Southern Islands Circuit of our Fiji District, really thank the Nazarenes of Virginia for their great partnership in God's ministry to the lost and hurting people of the South Pacific!!




Thank you for giving to the Lord!!  Hugs!








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