Mission Awareness OR Preparedness??

Ever read something and wondered who you were in the story?  Perhaps this is an oddity peculiar to me.  The following is a snippet from an article ran yesterday by Mission Network News.  I marveled at both parties in this case.  Do I possess the passion and willingness to go wherever God takes me?  That could be across the aisle, down the street, or yes, even across the ocean.  I’m afraid I’m far more stubborn than I care to admit and even more adapt at clothing it with righteousness.  This isn’t even my biggest problem…it’s the ‘other’ people in this story that makes me uncomfortable.  The ones who decided to sell their SECOND sets of clothes.  Second indicates to me they have just 2…one change of clothing in addition to the ones they are wearing.  AND, they sold those to support someone called to go.  I can’t begin to understand living on less than a dollar a day, much less only having 2 sets of clothes.  I don’t even know how many sizes remain in my closet – and that IS after I have downsized it.  Poor Ray hardly has any of the closet at all.  You can see my dilemma.  Conviction is like that; it confronts you….and it comes in layers.  The same sin often lies knitted deep within us, just cloaked a bit different.  Why?  Because it is the ‘candy’ of our carnal man.  So, during this season when I always make Christmas candy, I have happened upon a different sort of ‘candy’.  It captures me without even notice and the Savior desires it.  Do you have any candy for Jesus?

“Africa (MNN)  Hundreds of African believers are ready to join the mission field. Unfortunately many of them don't have the means to do so just yet.

One Zambian missionary heard God's call to minister to Muslims in Tanzania. He would need $500 for start up fees, which included a bicycle, a mattress, and roughly $50 per month to support his needs. His excited church, made up mostly of farmers living on less than $1 per day, took an offering to support the missionary. Their tithe amounted to 50 cents.

Determined to send the believer on his way to the mission field, the congregation decided to sell second sets of clothing and deny themselves a third meal every day. After a few weeks, they were finally able to get their brother onto the field.

This man's story and call represents the desire of hundreds of people across Africa to go into the world and spread the Gospel. The characteristics of many African believers of being personable, passionate and willing to go wherever God takes them make them excellent candidates for mission work.”


Gifts Anyone?

Have you ever had a friend who ALWAYS gave the best presents…and a lot of them?  Every Christmas I knew I would receive the perfect gifts from her (things I love but would not buy myself).  I loved it but I didn’t…know what I mean?  My gifts for her seem so small & few.  Her secret?  She is a great shopper.  There is never a sale on something that is perfect for someone she misses.  She thinks about the ones she is giving presents to ALL the time.  Isn’t that the REAL gift?  Not that I get a lot because she saves money BUT to know she thinks about me ALL the time!! 

You are always on the heart of Jesus…He is never NOT thinking of you!  He is the BEST gift and it cost Him everything.  How can you such a wonderful gift?  Through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries!  There are TONS of ways to give and communicate that someone is thinking about them!  Projects galore!  Children to ‘adopt’!  Crisis Care Kits!  School Paks!  TONS!  Check it out for yourself!!

NCM is our focus this month!  Here is what you need to know:

1.     Gifts?  Anyone need a gift idea?  Have to buy for someone who either has everything or doesn’t want a thing?  Consider buying a gift card from NCM.  You deliver hope and the recipient chooses the project!  The regions where there are projects are wrapped gifts on the bulletin board and the choices are too many to list!!

2.     Check out our CCK (Crisis Care Kit) Tree on the bulletin board!  Remove ornaments & purchase the item to build CCKs.  Bring your unwrapped gift by or on Christmas Eve to touch the heart of someone who really needs encouraging.  Please strictly follow the description of the item so to insure our kits pass guidelines!   

COMPASSIONATE—demonstrating a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.  

Hugs!  Gay


Below is the devotion from Extreme Devotion today.  This devotion book is filled with true stories collected by VOM (Voice of the Martyrs) and is available by email daily in addition to hard copy.  As the body of Christ we should choose to make ourselves aware of persecution.  No, it is not comfortable, no you might at first rather not know these things and how we must saddened the Father if that is as far as we go.  I promise you blessings in the form of greater intimacy with the Trinity!  The stories about children always ‘get’ me…I am humbled by their understanding & faith!  Perhaps that is one of the reasons Jesus said we MUST become as a little child, our kind of maturity gets in the way.  This past Sunday was IDOP (International Day of Prayer), I hope you make everyday a day of prayer for the persecuted church!





vom groups


extreme devotion




Seated on logs under the shade of a tree, the 230 Christian students were just beginning their English lesson when they heard the terrifying sounds overhead. A plane roared across the sky above the school yard. Within minutes, the Islamic army had dropped five bombs from a large Russian-made bomber.

    Terrified and screaming, the children immediately started running. Two of the bombs landed in dry trenches around the village, and another failed to detonate.
    Unfortunately, the other two nail-studded bombs landed squarely among the frightened students. The explosion was tremendous. The damage, unthinkable.
    By 9:15 A.M. the bomber was gone, and the horrible reality began to set in. Students wandered dazed around the school yard, crying and bleeding. Twelve of their classmates ranging in age from nine to sixteen had not survived the blast. Their beloved young teacher, Roda Ismail, also lay dead among the rubble.
    Another seven students lost their battle for survival in the days following the attack, and three had to have limbs amputated.
    The very next day, children showed up for school as usual. The exhausted and despondent schoolmaster told them to go home. “I cannot tell you when or if we will resume classes.”
    A ten-year-old boy approached him and said, “Please let us continue. We want to learn, and if it is God’s will, then today we won’t die.”

Life at the crossroads. We’ve all been there, wavering between giving up and going on. Like the schoolboy, the crowds who were following Jesus one day realized the path they were on was fraught with danger. Like the despondent schoolmaster, many in the crowd headed for home, not able to say if or when they would continue to follow Christ. Yet Peter and the other disciples remained. The schoolboy’s solemn request echoes Peter’s response, “Let us continue.” When we are tempted to give up, let us continue. When it seems like following Christ is too difficult, let us continue. Are you facing the crossroads of commitment? Ask God to give you the strength to go on instead of give up.




Sometimes it is good to reflect on why we do the things we do.  Without doing so we lose passion and the very act becomes rote.  I believe this is a reason the Israelites were instructed to tell the children & to place stones as reminders of what Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had done AND would continue to do for He is Faithful!  Even when we aren’t, He remains Faithful.  The same yesterday, today, & tomorrow….that’s our God!  He is passionate!! As vessels who contain the Living God we should be too!  There are challenges in front of us; as a nation, as a denomination, as a church, and as individuals.  What do we, will we, choose to look at?  The challenges or the God in those very challenges?  Jesus is passionate about people, even to die brutally for them…that’s the passion in us.  Below is exerts from a letter from Daniel Ketchum, may the Lord ignite that passion within us and may this foundation bring forth a mighty harvest!!  Hugs!

**answer this question to earn a reward:  What does MAC stand for?


Why We Sustain the World Evangelism Fund 

Without WEF, no other ministry provided by designated or Approved Mission Special giving will remain viable (including Alabaster, LINKS, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, JESUS Film Harvest Partners, Work & Witness, partnerships, etc.).
WEF provides baseline infrastructure: leadership for 7 regions, 36 fields, and 426 districts and national ministries. For missionary families, WEF provides equipping, salary, housing, utilities, medical insurance, moving costs, and travel to and from the field. The World Evangelism Fund was created to allow all missionaries to work effectively and to encourage all churches to support outreach efficiently.  WEF is a key in global strategy to evangelize and disciple people with the love of Christ and the Gospel.
Only with WEF can we evangelize and disciple millions of people each year, equip thousands of leaders each year, and organize hundreds of churches each year. We cannot accomplish these purposes without WEF. Global WEF giving multiplies through collective sacrifice, international generosity, and accountable distribution.
The global mission of the Church of the Nazarene is a massive venture. To accomplish the Great Commission—spreading Christ, the Gospel, and holiness around the world—requires money.  WEF invests directly to accomplish the mission of the Church of the Nazarene: to make Christ like disciples in the nations. 
How WEF Works

Full-time missionaries (excluding volunteers) in the Church of the Nazarene receive monthly compensation based on a modest standard amount plus a cost-of-living adjustment according to the world area in which they serve.  The World Evangelism Fund comes from the generosity of Nazarenes around the world. We challenge each church globally to contribute 5.5 percent of its current income. Many churches see the effectiveness of global mission and give well beyond that minimum.
Benefits of WEF

Missionaries receive regular compensation, enabling them to concentrate on their calling and to help raise awareness for the entire mission. While missionaries correspond and offer home assignment/deputation services to inform people of their field of service, these activities do not demand a large portion of their time on the mission field.  Passion for giving is inspired by global mission, evangelism, and disciple-making. We raise WEF on the backs of missionaries, international leaders, and mission movements.  Each church, regardless of size, has an opportunity to participate in global mission. Just as individuals are blessed by God when they commit their resources for His kingdom, so churches are blessed when they give to help reach lost people around the world.
Daniel D. Ketchum, Ph.D.
Global NMI Director


Who is that you may ask?  Well, none other than THE Trinity – Father, Son, & Holy Spirit!  It is He who is behind the work designed for His people.  Now, for that commercial……


Our focus this week, leading up to the Largest Offering challenge of our denomination, is ASIA-PACIFIC.  Remember, God wants to do this thru us!  So, let's equip & prepare ourselves with knowledge & power through prayer & fasting.  Below is information from Engage, a global mission magazine of the Church of the Nazarene.


The Asia-Pacific Region includes 24 countries and areas, which are organized into seven fields. It reports more than 100,000 members in nearly 1,500 active churches.


Making the most of every opportunity...or obstacle



The church on the Asia-Pacific Region continues to see God at work building His church as everyday people intentionally look for ways to share Christ in the office, the marketplace, school or community.A recent letter from a medical professional working in an area of the Asia-Pacific Region illustrates this desire to turn even obstacles into opportunities.

Dear Friends,
Pam found an apartment that we both love.  The closing of the sale was at 1:30 on Wednesday afternoon.  When the seller had not shown up at 1:40 the [real estate agent] called him.  He said that he had sold the apartment at noon that day through a different real estate company.  I was upset, but my wife was not.  Pam reminded me that we had been praying for God's will to be done.  In fact, on the way to our appointment she had been praying that if God did not want us to buy the apartment, then the sale would be blocked.  ("Thanks, Pam!" was my first thought.)
The staff at the real estate office, accustomed to impatient clients, were prepared for us to explode in anger.  Instead our calm response opened the door for us to witness to them about Pam's prayer and how we believe that God is leading us. After that the office manager showed us more apartments and asked Pam more questions about our faith.
The Kingdom coincidences continued. The next day another one of the [staff] from that same office nearly fainted, so her colleagues brought her to the hospital where I work. God had opened another golden opportunity to serve them when they all came to the emergency room.
This all began with someone's search for an apartment. They still haven't found a home, but God is turning obstacles into opportunities.

What about you?  What Kingdom opportunities – disguised as obstacles – does God have in store for you today?  In your going, continue to make Christlike disciples in the nations.

Let's TALK!  

*       When you have been thwarted in something you were trying to accomplish, how did you react?

*       Why was this couple's calm and forgiving reaction a witness to the real estate agents?

*       What role did Pam's prayer play in the events and the couple's attitude?

*       How can you be open to the Holy Spirit's work in everyday situations?


Your last question, that can be found on the mission board, is:  What country is nick-named "land of a thousand hills"?  Remember, responding will earn you points & the one with the most points will receive a prize on Nov 30th

**FINE PRINT:  Members of my immediate family & ordained Pastors are not eligible for prizes.


Breaking News!! Thanksgiving is November 25th!

Were you surprised?!  Just as sure as special days come & go, so does opportunities.  Without planning or thought, either is just another day.  Where are you eating Thanksgiving Dinner?  What are you bringing?  You probably already know, and if not it won’t be long before you do.  Our offering for the World Evangelism Fund is 6 weeks from Sunday.  If we don’t think about it the day will be a ‘whatever’ day & we will give whatever extra we have that day.  The District has issued goals, one of which we have responded to (#6 below) with our 10/10/10 offering which was $150.00!  (Those who did not participate know that you still can!) 

So I challenge you to meet each of the goals!  This Sunday, our focus is Africa. For 6 days of this week plan to pray one minute specifically for Africa and FAST one meal.  There are 6 prayer points in our focus: evangelism, disciple-making, leadership development, church development, missionary call/care, AND compassion.   

Why all these 6’s?  because the goal to sustain our missionaries & our global mission is $6 million!  The number 6 represents man; every one of our goals emphasize our need of our God!  This is His idea, His mission, and only His enabling will get it done.  If we do our part – He will bring the increase, thru us just because He can!  Join me in this 6 week journey & let’s get close enough to hear His heart beat AND have ours join rhythm with IT!!  Hugs!

Breakdown of goals
1. Global goal: $6 million to sustain missionaries and our global mission
2. Global prayer: 6 minutes per week for 6 weeks (one minute per day)
3. Global fasting: one meal per week for 6 weeks
4. Global focus: 6 prayer points in evangelism, disciple-making, leadership development, church development, missionary call/care, and compassion
5. Global regions: praying for one region per week for 6 weeks as follows:

*       Africa: week of October 17

*       Asia Pacific: week of October 24

*       Eurasia: week of October 31

*       Mexico/Central America/Caribbean: week of November 7

*       South America: week of November 14

*       USA/Canada: week of November 21

6. Global participation: each regular attendee giving at least $10 (adjusted to reflect national parity) beyond regular mission offerings such as WEF, faith promise or Thanksgiving offerings. Some have decided to give one day’s earnings for WEF PLUS.

Challenge 2010 prioritizes rescue for lost persons around the world. Fanny Crosby, the famous songwriter, penned powerfully:

“Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring ones, lift up the fallen; tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.”

The Thanksgiving/Harvest offering is crucial to reach a lost world for Christ. With all of us doing our part generously, we can sustain the global outreach of our church and the abundant spiritual harvest God is providing. We deeply appreciate your help!

-- Daniel Ketchum is director of Nazarene Missions International (NMI), the church relations heart of Global Mission in every local church globally.



I am in need of volunteers!  I have been trying to count coins ever since we received our Alabaster offering.  The Coin-star charges .10 on every dollar!!!   So, we carried the chest back to the office to be locked up.  The more volunteers, the faster this job will go.  The change has to be counted and rolled to take to the bank.  All counters meet us at the church Saturday morning @ 10:30 we will have this done and ALL will be used for the purpose intended!!  Drop me a note & let me know I can count J on you!

Links, chains, rescues.....

Dear Feller Co-Missioner,


A story was told of a large man who fell into a lake. He flailed in water over his head and hollered for help. He could not swim! A man jumped into the water to help, but the larger man quickly pulled him under the water and nearly drowned his would-be rescuer. A second man dived into the water to help, but also nearly drowned while trying to pull him out.


A third observer decided to form a human chain. Men and women on shore locked hands and then clasped the hands of those in the water. Finally, one person in the water grasped the hand of the drowning man. As the human chain pulled together, they rescued the man from death.


EACH person in the chain was vital to the rescue. Some tasks are impossible without assistance from others. Some challenges are so great they require a team of helpers.  Did you know YOU are a link in a chain? 


Our general superintendents are challenging Nazarenes globally to give the largest offering in the history of the denomination!  

When you ask?  ….during the Thanksgiving/Harvest time for the World Evangelism Fund (WEF)! Challenge 2010, (10-10-10), a special WEF PLUS Offering, provides all of us an opportunity to present a love offering beyond our normal WEF giving or Thanksgiving Offering. The WEF PLUS Offering will help keep missionaries on their fields and even MORE exciting - will reap an abundant harvest of souls worldwide! 

How you ask? ….just by each individual giving $10.00!  This Sunday is 10-10-10 and Nazarenes everywhere are bringing the equivalent of $10 for this special offering!  Together this will be a historical rescue effort AND you are needed!!!   





September.......it's time for an Alabaster Offering!!!

We’ve just been given a literal example of how God takes little and makes it much.  Ayden lived only 12 days… 

Our change (or paper!) goes far in advancing the kingdom!  Below are ideas for feeding your Alabaster box throughout the next year; for now, make an intentional effort during the days of September to commit to giving and sowing into the lives of others by filling your alabaster boxes – whatever they may look like!  Let’s build!!!!!!



Adapted from Focus Magazine


September – School days!  Your offering, .50 for each child in school.  If you have none, .50 if you finished grade school; .60  high school; .75 college.


October – No tricks, so before you treat yourself to holiday eating, put in .10 for each inch around your waist.  (we may fill our boxes with this one!)


November – Thankful! Put in .75 for brown hair, .60 for black, ,50 for grey, .40 for blonde, .30 for red.  If you are bald, forget it!


December – Merry Christmas!  Enough expense for this month….just put in .50.


January – Happy New Year!  Put in double the amount equal to the number of days in this month.


February – Give an offering of .10 for each letter in the name of the person you love the most.


March – Buy new shoes for Easter if you must, but put in an offering triple your shoe size.


April – Don’t fool yourself!  Put in .50 for your first 100 lbs. of weight and .20 for each additional 25 lbs.


May – May is family month!  Give an offering of .20 for each brother or sister.  If mother is living add .50.


June – If your eyes are blue pay .50; brown .40; green or hazel .30.


July – Deposit .20 for each year you have been a Christian.


August  - This may not be your birthday month, but give the amount of cents you will be on your birthday.



May giving fun!  God loves a cheerful giver!!!!!!  Hugs, Gay




What is LINKS


The LINKS program of the Church of the Nazarene is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarenes around the world. Missionaries are assigned to districts and, then on the district level, connected to local churches. This gives each church an opportunity to become personally acquainted with the missionary family and their field of service. Typically, churches send cards, cash gifts, packages, and other remembrances to their LINKS missionaries.
In return, the churches feel a sense of involvement with the global mission enterprise of the church through regular correspondence from the missionaries, updates from their field, and even through deputation services while the missionaries are on home assignment. The missionaries are encouraged, knowing people care and pray for them. The relationships built over time personalize names and faces that both the missionaries and their LINKS churches value highly. 




Have you ever felt alone?  Loneliness is a strange fellow.  It is possible to feel alone even in the midst of tons of people.  I imagine that is because we were not created to be alone …..“The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18 

LINKS gives us such a cool way to make a difference in someone’s life.  Being linked together makes anything more bearable: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

We have a new LINKS missionary assignment, Marshall Griffith.  I look forward to introducing you to him…..and discovering who already knows him!  One thing I learned in being in the mission class is that our body knows a lot of people!!  Right now I am asking that you inquire of the Spirit how best to pray for him for God alone understands best our needs – even better than ourselves! 

His requests are:  “I am alone, my wife died 7 ½ years ago.  I am associate pastor for Oklahoma City May Avenue Church of the Nazarene.  My son it the pastor.  We are praying for new property.  The land and the church are small.  The church is growing.  Several people in and out of the church need help, spiritually.  I have several health needs and request prayer.  I am a diabetic.  Pray for my children and grandchildren that they would be faithful Christians.”  Ask the Lord what you can learn about him from his requests and how He wants us to serve him!

I look forward to seeing you again!  If I am there lets all get together & investigate God’s heart for Missions!


Ramadan.......what does this mean to you??


Important Prayer Information from Daniel Ketchum

Window International Network
Emergency Prayer Alert

Muslims throughout the world will celebrate Ramadan from 11 August through 9 September 2010. They will fast during daylight hours in an effort to break bad habits and seek forgiveness of sins.

Ramada, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is observed by Muslims the world over with dawn to dusk fasting. This provides them with an opportunity to practice one of the "obligations" (also known as the "five pillars") of their religion—soum or fasting.

Muslims fast during Ramadan because they believe this is the time of year in which the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, received "recitations" from the angel Gabriel. These were later compiled to form the Qur'an.

The most important night of Ramadan—and of the entire year—is called Laylatul Qadr (September 5, 2010). Also known as the "night of power," it is described in the Qur'an as being "better than a thousand months" (97:3). "Any action done on this night," writes one Islamic scholar, "such as reciting the Qur'an, remembering Allah, etc. is better than acting for one thousand months, which do not contain the night of Qadr."

During Ramadan, especially on the night of power, Muslims "ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds." Many are desperately and genuinely seeking to be cleansed from their transgressions and find favor with God.

Since 1992, Christians all over the world have been setting aside the thirty days of Ramadan to pray specifically for Muslims. For intercessors, this month-long celebration is a chance to see precious souls set free from the bondage of Islam and introduced to the Savior of all mankind: Jesus Christ.


  • The Lord to give Muslims everywhere a hunger to know Him. Pray for them to become dissatisfied with the rituals and obligations of Islam and long to have relationship with the true and living God. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:13)
  • The time of fasting and focusing on spiritual issues to become a window of opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak to Muslims, revealing the salvation available only in Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Ephesians 1:17,18)
  • Laylatul Qadr (the night of power) to be a night in which the Lord arises and works mightily to show forth His glory and set free those held captive by Islam. Pray for Muslims to have dreams and visions of the risen Savior. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6,7)
  • Godly sorrow and the need to be forgiven from sin to lead Muslims to repentance and salvation in Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10)
  • The veil to be removed from the eyes of those who are in bondage to Islam. Ask the Lord to enable them to see the light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)
  • A great and unprecedented harvest of souls of Muslims worldwide. (The Bible, John 4:35)
  • The Kingdom of God to come to North Africa, the Middle East, Central and South Asia—all of the 10/40 Window—in power and great glory. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

Opportunity Knocks in Our Own Backyard!

ReMiNdEr:  New Beginnings is hosting Kamal Saleem & Alene Bajalia @ Horizon Funeral Home,

750 Old Brandy Road.  Our world is changing……are we aware?  Come hear from a former terrorist what his life was like, why he believed as he did, & how Jesus rocked his world!  Islam is NOT a peaceful religion & statistics show it is taking over the nations.  They understand you; do you understand them???  Will I see ya in the morning?


8:30am – coffee

8:50am – Alene will begin sharing what God is doing in the hearts of Muslims in Israel

9:45-12:00 – Kamal will captivate, educate, & bring God the glory.  Serious things are happening                 around us but God has a plan!!  It just might be beginning with the Hezekiah Initiative!



The Right Way to Keep My Hands Off

It seems I often hear the Lord saying ‘it’s like this….’  I suppose that’s because I need a lot of instruction & I learn by experience.  This week I had such an experience.  Those of you who are computer savvy probably would not be as amazed as I was with this……someone assisted me with a problem by remote.  Here’s my computer on my desk & someone somewhere else is able to see what’s wrong & fix it!  Amazing.  While I was admiring this wonder something became clear.  Erik did not gain control of my computer without first asking my permission.  After gaining it, he had control & could command the computer with his knowledge & ability to see things I could not……but I could take back control whenever I wanted, booting him off, & do whatever I thought I needed.  How like our relationship with the Lord!  He does not take control without our permission & oh, how His knowledge & ability to see is superior to ours!  Free to rule our hearts & live in us; we walk in His Spirit and are His Hands & His Feet!  When does this divine flow stop?  As soon as we take the control back.  How clear this became!  Similarly, this is the way of missions.  Our lives are the computers, He is the Master Technician, and we must surrender control.  How does look?  Only He knows.  Some may be Giving010+  Program, some may be Praying911 Program, others may be Going411 Program.  And even more intricate is the ability of each of these programs to operate!!  The possibilities are limitless and powerful when operating correctly J  What does the Master want to accomplish with you?!!  Hugs!



FW: Extreme Devotion 07/05/2010

Missions began like this….
   A long way from home, without the comfort of family, unacceptable living conditions by any standard, with a willingness to depend & trust God whenever He leads!  The reality of this pertaining to all three of the people in this story has gripped me this morning!


“This isn’t how I envisioned us having our first baby,” said the young woman between contractions. “Are you sure this is clean enough?” she asked her fiancé, Joseph.

“I don’t know, honey,” he said, concerned. “But it’s what we’ve got. We know God’s going to protect this baby. He must have some plan in us having it here.”
As another painful contraction came, her fiancé advised, “Try to breathe through it,” and wiped her face with a damp rag. “Hang on . . . should be just a few more minutes.”
She said through gritted teeth, “I wanted to have the baby in my own house. I wanted my mother to be there to help me.”
“I’m here to help you,” Joseph said, “so we’ll just have to get along by ourselves. And we both know God’s here, too.” Then he weakly joked, “If we need more help, we’ve always got the cows and the sheep next door.”
The contraction passed, and Mary smiled at her new fiancé. At the next contraction, Mary began to push. Soon, her son entered the world. They named him Jesus, just as the angel instructed.
We sometimes forget the hardship that Joseph and Mary endured to deliver the King of kings: a stable for a delivery room, exile into Egypt, poverty, and scandal. Yet they endured everything willingly out of love for God.

As we read the Bible, we may think that believing God’s promises would be easier if he packaged them with some definitive sign, like an angelic messenger. Yet even Mary, who received such a sign, had her doubts. When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to God’s Son, it probably sounded like the unthinkable. She asked Gabriel, “How will this be . . . since I am a virgin?” Despite her concerns, Mary chose to willingly believe God’s promise and obey him. Her simple willingness brought God’s plan of salvation to the world. Is God calling you to willingness despite your doubts? Like Mary, your willingness to obey could have an eternal impact in God’s kingdom.

Send a complimentary copy of Tortured for Christ to your friends!

Invite your friends or family members to receive a copy of Tortured for Christ!

More Info

Suggested Links

The Voice of the Martyrs Official Homepage

The Voice of the Martyrs Online Store

"A Christian Response to Islam"

Here is additional information concerning the seminar I posted about earlier.  The date is conflicting with our own church calendar but you are free to attend one time & not the other if it fits your schedule.   I listened to this man’s testimony on a CD…..wow!  It promises to be educational as well as encouraging. 

A Christian Response to Islam!
Do you have knowledge of Islam and know how to share Jesus with Muslims?

 Friday, July 23
Saturday, July 24

Islam vs. Christianity
The Origin of Islam
Jesus vs. Mohammed
Question/Answer Time

Horizon Funeral Home
750 Old Brandy Road, Culpeper, Virginia

Friday, July 23rd 7:00 p.m.
Kamal Saleem:  “The Persecutor” - Testimony of a former terrorist who was loved into the Kingdom of Jesus

Noon - 2pm - Complimentary Luncheon with Kamal and Alene
 for  “Pastors and Church Leaders”
RSVP by July 20, 2010 to 540-825-1708

Saturday, July 24th
8:30 a.m. - Coffee/Tea

9:00 am - Alene Bajalia - Assistant Principal for Jerusalem School in the West Bank, Israel

9:45 - noon
Kamal Saleem

Hosted by New Beginnings Worship Center
For more information please call 540-825-1708

Turn the Radio On.....

I’ve been thinking about radios for the past few days because of our mission focus this month & the offering pending on Sunday.  When do you listen to the radio?   In the morning, in the car, at the office, in the store, by your bed, as you work?  Others all around the world are listening too.  Often it’s the only means of connection outside their village.

 According to  information I received more than a third  of the world’s population has never heard the good news of Jesus even once.  And many of them cannot be reached by traditional methods.   But amazingly, more than 99% of the world can be reached by radio!  What a resource!!!  It can go where we cannot AND it can reach the literate & illiterate alike!  In some parts of the world it is the only ‘safe’ way to hear God’s word & to worship Him.

What one missionary can be in 75 countries at the same time & speak in 33 languages and dialects? Super Missionary?? Nah, it’s World Mission Broadcast!  Ever wished you had more hands & feet?...that you could get more accomplished at one time? Here’s your chance!  $4.00 will produce ONE minute of broadcast.   Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”  Much like the old proverb: Many hands make light work.  So as you think about giving on Sunday to the World Mission Broadcast, think about minutes & multiply by 4!


Mission Awareness

Dear Family,
It seems I have another way to communicate with you what goes on in my head…. & my heart!  Like Bulah I have a love for missions & a burning desire to communicate it with everyone!  This will be like letting a toddler run the show after seasoned maturity with all the wisdom & grace that entails steps out of the room!  I trust you love me & love the Lord even more, so I am not afraid of being set in time-out too long because of my eagerness!J  Although just knowing how big the shoes are that I am growing into sets me wobbling a bit…  Thank you Bulah for loving the Lord, pursuing His heart for missions, perseverance in His calling on you, & a job well done!  I feel like Joshua when faced with leading after Moses!  We love you!!
We tend to be afraid of what we don’t know about.  Sometimes we recognize it literally; sometimes it’s as simple as just avoiding whatever it is.  Relating to other cultures can be like this.  For so long in this country we have operated in a manner that everyone is just like us.  We can ‘get away’ with this mentality to a certain degree when we outnumber everyone else but as others come into this country we lose opportunities if we continue in this way. 
When a missionary goes out into the field time is taken to not only learn the language but to understand the culture.  It would be a waste of time otherwise, right?!  That field is coming to America whether we chose to recognize it or not.  Right now in our community, county, state, country there is a smorgasbord being laid out!  We do not have to leave the United States to be a ‘foreign’ missionary J 
An opportunity to hear a converted Muslim give his testimony is available right here in Culpeper.  What an opportunity!!!  Your next neighbor, employer, employee, doctor, etc. could be Muslim.  In this country there already is a city which is predominately Muslim….and it operates just as if it were in the Middle East.  There this ‘religion’ rules and it is growing in numbers.  We can choose to be scared of what we don’t know or we can become educated & equipped by the Lover of Our Souls who desires a relationship with those who are His enemy!  Praise God that included me!!!!  I will be updating you with all the information for your consideration as I receive it.  Just last week I did not know where or what Dearborn, Michigan is.  In a matter of a few days I have not only learned of this upcoming Conference & Dearborn but also Mission Network News carried the following news article - http://www.mnnonline.org/article/14385 .  I encourage you to read it.
I will update you with all the details to hear our brother give testimony as I get them.
Who is my neighbor anyway?
Serving the King with you!!!  Hugs,